About I.C.I.S.

The International Construction Information Society (I.C.I.S.) is an association of organisations that provides national master specification systems, cost information systems, and/or building product information for the construction industry. I.C.I.S. members are neutral in status (i.e. not political), technically authoritative, and solidly rooted in the construction industry. Currently, I.C.I.S. includes representatives from 13 countries and five continents. We believe that using and maintaining high-quality knowledge and information improves both our national and the global construction industries. We are a society of like-minded organisations that share our thoughts and ideas, and promote best practices in our home nations and around the world. Networking is important to us, and we organise an annual conference where current issues and technologies can be discussed and debated. We create projects that use the collective skills and experience of our members to produce technical reports and solutions about topical issues. These are available to all members, with some available to the general public.

Who Does I.C.I.S. Represent?

I.C.I.S. represents the organisations that are its members. These member organisations provide technical services to hundreds of thousands of construction professionals, worldwide, who use their products and services to prepare construction documents. For the changing needs of our members’ clients, I.C.I.S. aims to anticipate and confront trends occurring in the construction industry internationally, including:
  • The strong trend towards international harmonisation of standards and procedures.
  • The increasing expectation of functionality and user-friendliness of information used in construction processes.
  • The need to integrate a wide variety of related project data, particularly drawings, specifications, costs, and product information.